Tuesday, July 28, 2009

7.24 - 7.25.09: Funky Fighter : Nashville, TN

Funky Fighter: 2on2 bboy battle and gaming tournament.

Though the turnout was hardly Bashville Stampede, the vibe was extremely good and everyone I heard from had a blast. Props to QKong (IllVille, TN) for the good jam.

It's sounding like a good broken record, I know, but Alphatrion DJed the event. And did great, as always. Lil Lazy (Massive Monkees), Jesus (Louisiana), and Marcus (IllVille) judged. AJ (HBO, ATL) and Afrikaan Assassin (Houston, TX) took the $800 prize.

I battled, I shot photos, and I got mad at the photos. But here's what I managed to get out of it.

Oh, and we built a freakin' awesome fort. And did shadow puppet standup. And did karaoke. Ate pizza rolls. Recreated White Castle photos. Yeaaaaaaah. :D

Now, on to the MASS of photos.






Anonymous July 28, 2009 at 9:50 PM  

Haha the white castle reenactment is amazing.

- Paul

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