10.24.09: Cody and Vanicia's wedding preparty
Despite my quick onset of sickness (and not the good kind) on Friday night, I followed through with my plans Saturday morning and rode, 9 deep, up to Nashville for Cody and Vanicia's wedding and preparty. Luckily, the weak, tiredness and body aches chilled out a bit after a nap in the hotel, and eased enough to allow me to enjoy the preparty at RockeTown.
Although there were others, many familiar faces due to bboying made the night chill, comfortable and dope. It was like a party, a session, a dance club, a family gathering.
Anyway, I love the two of them so much. They're fam. And it was a beautiful wedding. For now, the preparty flix.
Cheers, and congrats, Vanicia, Cody.