9.25.09: Before/After: Tricks for the Bad Photographer
Different type of post here. I've had a lot of people randomly ask me questions about my photos and/or editing, so I decided to do a Before/After post of different random shots I got at different jams to show what I end up doing to the photos.
The other reason, is to prove my point. I'm still learning all this stuff... I have an eye for art, that's it. I'm practicing with photography everytime I pick the camera up, so I don't get great shots often. I just photoshop the poo outta them, 'cause that's what I'm good at. Plus, I've been experimenting with different editings to see what styles I like, etc.
Anyway, feel free to ask Qs if you have 'em.
Hope this answers some already, and at least is interesting/amusing.
Anyway, I think I'll do posts like these once in a while to show some behind the scenes.
NOTE: by the way, they're actually AFTER / BEFORE shots... the first being the edited one. Thanks.