Monday, March 12, 2012

12.17.11 Outbreak 7 [Orlando, FL]

This year, Outbreak [thrown by Mex] was held at the new Bboy Spot near Orlando, Florida. The space was nice: the indoor space was spacious with the walls done up with some dope pieces; there was a whole outdoor section with room to chill, vendors, and walls that were being painted over the weekend; and they had a separate room where they held an MC event.

The weather was great the first day, making the outdoors actually way more comfortable than the indoors [which was kind of chokingly hot, sadly] despite the lack of music there. Unfortunately, rain the second day both hampered the outdoor space as well as caused a lot of humidity and condensation indoors on the floor.

While the days were long, the battles were good if you were able to squeeze your way in to see. I would have loved to see some screens or monitors... some sort of projection due to that problem, but if you made your way into visible range, you were in for some dope battles. The event was like a giant reunion, bringing together friends and strangers from all over the world to one spot for a weekend of dancing, competing, chilling, eating, etc.

Always need some recoup from Outbreak weekends, but not in a bad way. I didn't shoot a lot, and second day no cameras [other than the lots that I saw hahaha... well "official" cameras I guess] were allowed in, video or still, so here are just some outdoor cypher snaps from Day 1.

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