Thursday, December 8, 2011

11.4.11 SF Hip-Hop Film Festival [San Francisco, CA]

I was hoping to do a bit more shooting out in the bay, but I spent so much time and focus dancing and breaking from the photos (I needed it... sorry). Anyway, here is some coverage of the Zulu Nation San Francisco Hip-Hop Film Festival's live performance, created and directed by Chaz Cabonce, and performed by several dancers from the bay area.

Cheers! :]

Monday, November 7, 2011

9.11.11 Rords of the Froor [Oakland, CA]

So I know it's been ages since I've updated the actual site: I'm sorry for that. Life has been throwing me a few curves (good ones!), and transitioning job situations and coming out here to the bay area for a few months has put a bit of a pause on some of the flow I had going for EotC.

I realize I still have jams from the summer to post up here, but for now, you can find them on the EotC Facebook page.


Rords of the Froor was thrown by Circle of Fire. For those of you who don't know about it, it's infamous for being crazy... and a crazy good time. With duo's formed that night between an "amateur" and a "professional," each team had to take shots before competing for the round. In between, random battles such as a worm race were interjected. While the battles were not happening, the dancing and partying definitely was. For any of you who can get a chance to experience Rords sometime (they're also spreading Rords! I know Texas will have one sometime coming up), do it. It's quite the party!!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

7.2.11 For Your Soul 4 [Orlando, FL] --PART 5--

Last post for For Your Soul 4 :]

Go here for the other parts:

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